Polar Bear


Polar Bears





  Polar bears live in Alaska, Canada, Russia, Norway, and throughout the artic region,  where they spend most of their time on ice floes. Even though polar bears appear to just be white because of their fur, their skin is acually black along with their nose, and lips. Their large oar-like front feet make them strong swimmers and help them dig holes to sleep in. Their feet also work as snow shoes on the ice and snow. The adult male polar bears' height is an average of 8.5 feet (2.6 m), and they weigh 880 - 1,700 pounds. Adult female polar bears' height is an average of 6.5 feet (2 m), and weigh 200 - 700 lbs. Their fur is thicker than any other bears' even covering their feet for warmth and traction.  Polar bears are the largest land meat-eater in the world and the largest of the bear family. Polar bears capture some of their food by waiting by a breathe hole for a seal to come up to breathe. Once it does, the bear snatches down and kills the seal instintly. They eat mostly seals, fish, and occasionally other mammals, eggs, and vegetation, making polar bears omnivores. This term means they eat plant and animals. Polar bears never need to drink water. They get all the water they need from the animals they eat.


   Polar bears are endothermic, meaning they are warm-blooded. Polar bears almost never travel in groups except for female-cub groups, during mating season, and at abundant food sources when a group of bears are hungry and there is many of food in a place. Polar bears young are called cubs. Polar bears swim by doggie-paddling with their head and most of their back above water. Their blubber helps them float as they swim. They can swim an average of six miles per hour.


   Polar bears are endangered. Not only by humans hunting them, but by global warming also. Global warming is more of a threat to polar bears, than humans hunting them. Primarily because the melting of its sea ice habitat reduces their ability to find food. Hunters used to and still do hunt them to get their hide, which is very useful for clothing, rugs and blankets. The hollow guard hairs of the polar bear fur can be sold for fly tying. Polar bear meat can also be eaten if cooked.


   Senses of the polar bear


   Most people think of a polar bear as a cute animal, but remember, they can very easily rip your limbs off! Polar bears are killer animals if they feel their habitat or their cubs are being threatened. During mating season, male polar bears fight each other in order to get a mate. When they fight, the loser of the fight, usually leaves brutally injured. Some times the injury is even fatal. Otherwise, polar bears mainly play fight, which only sometimes results in scratches or even agressive claw marks.



Hearing:  Little is known about polar bears hearing, however, scientists believe it is about as sensitive as human hearing.

Eyesight:  The eyesight of polar bears is similar to humans. Polar bears have a protective membrane over their eyes that may help shield their eyes from ultraviolet rays.

Touch:   Polar bears feel through their nose, tongue, claws, and a little through their feet.

Taste:  Polar bears prefer certain foods, but scientists know little about the polar bear's taste.

Smell:  A polar bear's sense of smell is great. It is enough to smell a seal more than 32 km (20 miles) away.






  Adult polar bears communicate by hissing, growling, and chomping its teeth when they're threatened. Cubs communicate for more diverse reasons. The sounds include hissing, squalling, whimpering, lip smacking, and by rumbling their throats. Mothers warn their cubs when they are in danger, with a chuffing or a braying sound. Mothers can comfort, protect, or punish her cubs by using their body, muzzle, or paws. Polar bears recognize each other through sight, touch, and smell.


   A male polar bear indicates he wants to play fight by walking up to another polar bear with its head down, mouth closed, and eyes avereted. During the fight, the bears often make contact by gently touching or "mouthing" each other around or near the neck (as seen in the picture above). Even though it looks as though the bears are brutly fighting, they usually don't hurt each other during the fight. Then they proceed to the rear on their hind legs and try to push each other over with their fore paws.


  Polar bears live an average of 20 to 30 years when they are in captive. When they are out in the wild, they only live for 15 to 18 years. The oldest polar bear is 41 at least, but unfortunately, she recently died. Each year a polar bear lives, its teeth grow stronger, and grow bigger. This also helps scientists figure out how old a polar bear is. Polar bears have no natural predators. But during mating season, the males often kill other males in order to get a mate. Cubs are also prey to older polar bears, or even wolves, and if a mother leaves a newborn alone for a long while, one of those things are very likley to happen.

 The map above, shows were some polar bears live. The big white area is the artic. The red represents were they live.



Food Chain Of The Polar Bear






















World book Inc., Grizzlies and other bears, Scott Fetzel, 30-37, 2001