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Page history last edited by wikiuser0001 15 years, 10 months ago





 Interesting Chipmunk Facts


  • The common name is Chipmunks.
  • Its scientific class is mammalia.
  • The scientific genus is tamias.
  • There are 25 species.
  • Chipmunks live in deserts and forests/woods.
  • They are found in Canada and 

       the United States of America.

  • Their special adaptions are: They can run fast to get away from predators. They also have a good sense of smell to sense danger. The color of their bodies help them blend into the surrounding areas. Their sharp teeth and claws are used to find and dig up food or to make burrows.
  • They are 4 to 11 inches long, 2 to 6 inches high, and weigh 2 to 5 ounces.
  • Their body covering is fur.
  • Their general description is three white stripes down their back, yellowish-gray above with brownish-grey side stripes, and a white stomach.
  • Chipmunks are endothermic.
  • The name of their young is young.
  • A group of chipmunks is called a scurry.
  • Two related species are ground squirrels and woodchucks.


Chipmunk Food Web


  • Chipmunks are omnivores.                   
  • They eat nuts, berries, grain, bird eggs, and fungi.
  • Chipmunks forage for their food.
  • The predators of chipmunks are hawks, eagles, other birds, and cats.
  • To escape from their predators they climb trees, jump, burrow, and  run (they are very fast).
  • They prey on minks, insects, small frogs, worms, snails, slugs, and small snakes. 







More Interesting Facts


  • A mutualistic symbiotic relationship is oak trees provide seeds and give the chipmunk shelter. In return, the chipmunk spreads the seeds when it releases waste and the seeds grow.                                                    
  • Chipmunks communicate by making noises such as yelping. They also make gestures like wagging their tails.
  • Some interesting behaviors are that some chipmunks are larder hoarders which means that they hibernate. Other chipmunks are scatter hoarders which means they store caches of food.
  • Chipmunks are not on the endangered species list.









Websites: www.wikipedia.org/wiki/chipmunks and www.montreybay.com/creagrus/chipmunks.html

Book: Title-Mammals,  Author-Steve Parker,  Pages Used-48,

 Copyright 1989 






Comments (3)

wikiuser0009 said

at 11:10 am on Dec 2, 2008

Hey justin!! nice job! ur doing great!! it looks like ur done!! sweet!! keep it up!
~AG (not anna)

wikiuser0012 said

at 11:18 am on Dec 2, 2008

Great job justin.

MH(not Mitchel)

wikiuser0013 said

at 7:45 pm on Dec 3, 2008

I like the background color and the page.


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